cMat 创刊号|cMat主编、南方科技大学工学院创院院长徐政和院士创刊词


As an indispensable basic element for the civilization and development of the economy, copper-based new materials are of strategic importance required for scientific and technological advances, leading to the development of strategic emerging industries such as electronics, aerospace, high-end equipment manufacturing, renewable energy and biomedicine. It is of great significance to carry out comprehensively the basic and applied research on new copper-based materials in an all-round manner, for the purpose of promoting the innovation and integrated development of advanced technologies in copper-related fields, adapt to emerging cross-field disciplines and talent training, enhancing international academic influence, and facilitating international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation. It is therefore urgent to establish a scientific journal focusing on the development of science and technology for both traditional and emerging engineering applications in copper-related fields. With this aspiration, the Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Jiangxi Copper Co., Ltd.—one of the world's top 500 enterprises and the top runner in the field of copper, and Youke Publishing Co., Ltd. proposed to establish a cutting-edge interdisciplinary scientific and technological journal, cMat. In cooperation with a well-known publisher, John Wiley & Sons, the journal is committed to providing a professional academic platform for international scholars to timely disseminate their research outcomes in related fields.

     The “c” of cMat represents the frontier of crossing fields related to copper, chemistry, composite, catalyst, cycle, conduction, cell, chip, carbon, coating, and associated new materials as shown in Figure 1. cMat, to the world's scientific and technological frontier, to the main economic prospects and to the major global needs, focuses on all aspects of materials, including metallurgy, minerals, geology, chemistry and other fields related to the research of copper, gold, rare earth, silver, lead, zinc, tungsten and rare metals. Its critical focus area is the innovative development of cutting-edge science and technology in the applied fields of mining, milling, metallurgy and intelligent materials. The topics covered range from metaverse, artificial intelligence, data mining, modelling and process simulation, to the latest scientific breakthroughs and applications of copper-based advanced materials in aerospace (such as superalloys), energy (such as catalysts in energy conversion and storage), nanotechnology (such as nanomaterials), biomedicine (such as antimicrobial agents), electronics (such as superconductors and semiconductors), supramolecular chemistry (such as Cu ions as ligands), etc. The journal takes a flexible approach in terms of article types, including not only reviews and full-length research articles, but also editorials, comments on hot topics, letters, perspectives, highlights, and News&Views. cMat is designed to become a top domestic and international first-class scientific and technical journal in copper-related fields. The stakeholder of the journal is committed to creating a cutting-edge, open and innovative academic platform for integrating science and engineering, publishing timely research discoveries, and new insights for researchers from universities, research institutions, and frontline R&D laboratories.

Figure 1 The coverage of cMat

    cMat has attracted a group of internationally renowned scientists working in a variety of areas, including materials science and engineering (metallurgy included), physics, chemistry, electronics, etc., and assembled a professional editorial board to help guide and promote the development of the journal. Forty-two members of international universities and research institutions from 16 countries joined the editorial board, including China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, France, Sweden, Poland, Spain, Turkey, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, India, Thailand, etc.

    The elite editorial team with their diverse insights and expertise will provide efficient peer-review services and post-acceptance processes to our authors, and present our readers with the most important, in-depth, and frontier basic and applied research achievements. Of critical importance to us, I am sure also to you, the reader, is to provide a rapid turnaround time from submission to publication. We are committed to this goal.

    We sincerely look forward to engaging you as readers, contributors, reviewers, and/or commenters to establish this journal. Special thanks go to our Editorial Board and to all the cMat staffs for their engagement and commitment to this effort, and to you, the readers and contributors, for your invaluable contributions and support. We are excited to grow in this effort with you together and welcome your ideas, feedbacks, and contributions as we move forward. And we believe that cMat will become one of the global leading international publishing platforms in the interdisciplinary areas of copper-related fields by providing information on the most important advances in this critical field to a broader group of researchers and engineers from both academic and industry backgrounds.



徐政和院士是国际上从事物质分离科学研究和技术开发的知名学者,尤其在相关表面和界面化学领域造诣极深。研发了多种表面功能化的原创技术,特别是在磁性颗粒表面功能化并应用非常规石油资源开发、矿物分离及洁净煤燃烧等领域做出了杰出贡献,被誉为矿物资源加工与高效利用领域的世界著名科学家。他首次提出了浮选水动力空化学说,为解决细粒浮选世界难题做出了重大贡献。迄今为止,徐政和院士共发表SCI 论文510余篇、总引用次数超过18000次。国际会议论文集论文62篇,参与著书2部,编书2部,撰写书籍章节共12章,授权国内外专利21项。目前共培养本科生80人,硕士研究生153人,博士研究生52人,博士后63人。徐政和院士曾获许多著名奖项,包括加拿大矿冶与材料学会Airey奖(2021)、加拿大阿尔伯塔省科学与工程卓越成就奖(2018)、加拿大矿冶与材料学会(MetSoc)卓越研究成果奖(2016)、加拿大矿冶与石油学会(CIM)Syncrude卓越可持续发展研究成果奖(2015)、阿尔伯塔地质和地球物理学家专业工程师协会(APEGGA) Frank Spragins技术奖(2012)和加拿大化学工程学会设计与工业实践Bantrel奖(2009)等。    
