Rare Metals 专题推荐:基于纳米材料的先进传感器和设备


Special Topic

Nanomaterials-Based Advanced Sensors and Devices


Guest Editors

Dongzhi Zhang


01 Mini REVIEW

Recent advances of emerging tin disulfide for room temperature gas sensing

Cite | Wang, TT., Xing, BS., Guo, CY. et al. Recent advances of emerging tin disulfide for room temperature gas sensing. Rare Met. 42, 3897–3913 (2023).




Ti3C2Tx/SnO2 P–N heterostructure construction boosts room-temperature detecting formaldehyde

Cite | Zhang, Y., Wang, MY., San, XG. et al. Ti3C2Tx/SnO2 P–N heterostructure construction boosts room-temperature detecting formaldehyde. Rare Met. 43, 267–279 (2024). 




Electrochemical response of MoS2 nanosheets/SiO2–NH2 nanoparticles modified glassy carbon electrode to phenylacetic acid

Cite | Qi, TY., Yuan, ZY. & Meng, FL. Electrochemical response of MoS2 nanosheets/SiO2–NH2 nanoparticles modified glassy carbon electrode to phenylacetic acid. Rare Met. 42, 4142–4152 (2023).




Al-doped ZnO/WO3 heterostructure films prepared by magnetron sputtering for isopropanol sensors

Cite | Gao, WX., Chang, XT., Zhu, XJ. et al. Al-doped ZnO/WO3 heterostructure films prepared by magnetron sputtering for isopropanol sensors. Rare Met. 43, 247–256 (2024). 




A visible-light-assisted Pd/TiO2 gas sensor with carbon nanotubes electrodes for trace formaldehyde detection

Cite | Liu, C., Zou, QQ., Liu, B. et al. A visible-light-assisted Pd/TiO2 gas sensor with carbon nanotubes electrodes for trace formaldehyde detection. Rare Met. 43, 257–266 (2024). 



【Guest Editors】


     张冬至,男,教授,博士生导师,中国石油大学(华东)控制科学与工程学院副院长,山东省泰山学者青年专家,山东省高等学校青年创新团队带头人,山东省电工技术学会副理事长,青岛市拔尖人才。主要从事微纳传感器技术与微系统、智能感知与柔性电子技术、电子信息技术与检测仪器等研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目、山东省重点研发计划项目等科研项目20余项,在ACS  Nano、Nano-Micro Letters、Nano Energy、Sensors and Actuators B等著名期刊上发表SCI收录论文170余篇,先后入选ESI高被引论文20篇,授权国家发明专利20余项,获省部级科技奖励一等奖2项,二等奖4项,入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单、中国电子学会优秀科技工作者等,担任Rare Metals期刊青年编委。
